work environment, job satisfaction, workload, work productivityAbstract
The study aims to determine and analyze the partial and significant influence between the the work environment (X1) variables, job satisfaction (X2) and Workload (X3) of the ASN work productivity on the personnel Agency and regional Human Resources (HR) development City of Parepare. This research was conducted on the personnel Agency and the development of regional human resources of Parepare. Research time in October to November 2019. This research uses the survey method. The population in this study is all employees of the government personnel and the development of regional human resources of Parepare, as many as 42 people. Sampling in this study used a saturated sampling technique (census) of all the populations in this study to be sampled. The samples used in this study were as much as 42 people. The data analysis used is multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that from test results there are partial influences from each of the work environment (X1) variables, job satisfaction (X2) and Workload (X3) of the ASN work productivity on the personnel Agency and regional HR development City of Parepare, from the results of test F there is a simultaneous influence of the three variables working environment (X1), job satisfaction (X2) and Workload (X3) on the productivity of ASN work on the personnel Agency and development of human resources of City Parepare, and from the research also gained that among the influence of work environment, job satisfaction and workload on the work productivity ASN, then the influence of workload (X3) is the most dominant factor affecting ASN work productivity on Regional personnel and human resources development of Parepare City.
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