This research aims to analyze the partial influence of work service quality, work commitment and workload on employee performance at the South Sulawesi Provincial Secretariat Organization Bureau and to analyze the simultaneous influence of work service quality, work commitment and workload on employee performance at the South Sulawesi Provincial Secretariat Organization Bureau and to analyze variables that have a dominant influence on employee performance at the South Sulawesi Provincial Secretariat Organization Bureau.
The population and sample withdrawal technique uses the Saturated Sampling Technique, where the entire population is used as a sample in this research. The number of samples in the study was 57 respondents. Data Analysis Technique Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Method.
Based on the results of the t test (partial test) it shows that Service Quality, Work Discipline and Work Load have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the South Sulawesi Province Regional Secretariat Leadership Organization Bureau. Meanwhile, Work Commitment has a positive and insignificant effect on Employee Performance at the Regional Secretariat Leadership Organization Bureau of South Sulawesi Province. Meanwhile, based on the results of the Simultaneous Test (Test F), it shows that the Quality of Work Services, Work Commitment and Work Load have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance in the Regional Secretariat Leadership Organization Bureau of South Sulawesi Province. The variable that has a dominant influence on employee performance is the workload variable with a "Standardized Coefficients βeta" value of 0.553 with a significance level of 0.000.
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