Individual Competence, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, Employee PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of individual competence, communication, emotional intelligence and organizational culture on the performance of Bappeda District Pinrang employees. This research approach is a quantitative approach. A total of 25 respondents. The instrument used to test is a validity test, a reliability test. The data analysis method used is the classical assumption test which is strengthened by normality test, multicorrelation test, t test and F test and R. determination. Analyzed with multiple linear regression with SPSS v20.0.
From the results of these studies it is known that the Individual Competency Variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance known by the t test results of 2.842 with a significant level of 0.005. Communication variables have a positive effect on employee performance as indicated by the t test results of 2.812 with a significant level of 0.002. The variable of emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance as indicated by the t test results of 2.659 with a significant level of 0.004 and the organizational culture variable with a t count of 2.737 with a significant level of 0.009. The dominant variable influencing employee performance is individual competency with a t count of 2.842.
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