Competence, Leadership, Organizational Culture, MotivationAbstract
This study aims to (1) analyze and prove competence, leadership, organizational culture, and work motivation partially and simultaneously influence the performance of employees at the Regional Secretariat of Parepare City; (2) The most dominant variable has an effect on employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Parepare City.
This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population of this study found 105 employees of the Regional Secretariat of the City of Parepare. The number of samples that will be used as research objects is 30 with random sampling techniques. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis (multiple regression analysis).
The results showed that: (1) The F test or the examiner simultaneously showed Fcount of 34,345 which was greater than Ftable = 2.70. The results of the analysis show that the independent variable (X) factors of competence, leadership, organizational culture, and motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Parepare City. Partially affect the overall employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Parepare City; (2) Organizational culture (X3) is the dominant variable affecting employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Parepare City.
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