Leadership Style, HR Training, Additional Income and PerformanceAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style, HR training, and additional income on employee performance at the East Luwu District Fire and Rescue Service and the most dominant variables that affect employee performance at the District Fire and Rescue Service, East Luwu Regency.This study uses a quantitative research approach. This research was conducted at the Fire and Rescue Service of East Luwu Regency. The samples in this study were employees at the Fire and Rescue Service of East Luwu Regency, amounting to 50 people. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used was validity, reliability, and classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis.The results of the study show that: 1) there is an effect of leadership style, HR training, and additional income partially on the performance of the Fire and Rescue Department employees of East Luwu Regency, 2) there is an influence of leadership style, HR training, and additional income simultaneously on the performance of the Fire and Rescue Department employees of East Luwu Regency by 63.1% while the remaining 36.9% is influenced by other variables that are not observed in this research, 3) the leadership style variable is the most dominant variable that affecting the performance of the Fire and Rescue Service employees of Luwu Timur Regency.
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