kedisiplinan, pengawasan, motivasi kerja dan kinerjaAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of discipline, supervision and work motivation on the performance of the employees of the Department of Transportation of Pangkajene Islands Regency partially and simultaneously, and to find out which variable has the most dominant influence among the three.
The research approach used in this study is a quantitative method with an explanatory approach. The research was carried out at the Transportation Service Office of Pangkajene Islands Regency, which was carried out from March to April 2022. The data collection techniques were observation, questionnaires and documentation. The sampling technique used in this study was census or saturated sampling, ie the number of samples was all the population at the Department of Transportation of the Pangkajene Islands Regency where the population of this study was all 49 employees.
The results of this study indicate that partially discipline and supervision have no significant effect on employee performance, while work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Department of Transportation of Pangkajene Islands Regency. The results of standardized beta values indicate that work motivation is the most dominant variable affecting the performance of the Department of Transportation employees of Pangkajene Islands Regency.
The results of the determination test which include discipline, supervision and work motivation as a variable (X) have a joint contribution to the performance of employees (Y) of the Department of Transportation of Pangkajene Islands Regency by 47%, while the remaining 53% is influenced by other variables not included in the this research.
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