This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of discipline, infrastructure and commitment to the performance of cleaning workers at the Housing and Environment Office of Maros Regency and to examine the influence jointly of Discipline, Infrastructure and Commitment to the performance of cleaning workers at the Housing office. Maros Regency Residential and Environmental Area.
This research was conducted at the Maros Regency Housing and Settlement Area Housing office from April to May 2023. The population in this study were all cleaning staff at the Maros Regency Housing and Settlement Area office, totaling 420 employees. Considering that the population has many characteristics, the slovin method was used to determine the number of samples, so the sample used in this study was 134 respondents from cleaning workers at the Housing, Settlement and Environment Office, Maros Regency.
The results showed that discipline had a negative and insignificant effect on the performance of cleaning staff at the residential and environmental housing office in Maros Regency. Facilities and infrastructure have a positive but not significant effect on the performance of the cleaning staff at the Housing and Settlement Areas and Environment Office in Maros Regency. Commitment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of cleaning workers at the Housing and Settlement Areas Office of the Maros Regency. Simultaneously, discipline, infrastructure and commitment have a jointly positive and significant effect on the performance of the cleaning staff at the Housing, Settlement and Environment Office of Maros Regency.
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