Organizational Culture, Motivation, Work Experience, Employee Work ProductivityAbstract
In this study, researchers used a survey method that took samples from a population by using a questionnaire as a primary data collection tool. This research was carried out at the One-stop Integrated Investment and Services Office of Majene Regency. The time of the study was from October to November 2019. The population in this study were all employees of the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services in Majene Regency, totaling 52 people. The sampling technique used is census sampling or saturated sample, i.e. the total sample is all population. Analysis of the data used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed the effect of motivation on work productivity with a tcount of 2,294 greater than t table 2,004, the influence of organizational culture on employee work productivity with a tcount of 2,588 greater t table 2,004, the effect of work experience on a work productivity of employees with a tcount of 3,859 greater t table 2,004, from the results of the F test or simultaneous testing shows that Fcount is 65.904, greater than F table = 2.78. From the research also obtained answers that among motivation, organizational culture and work experience, work experience (X3) is the most dominant factor influencing the work productivity of employees of the Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services in Majene Regency.
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