Motivation, Discipline, employee performance, civil service police unit (Satpol. PP)Abstract
This study discusses the motivation of work motivation, work discipline and leadership on employee performance in the Civil Service Police Unit in Pinrang Regency.This study uses quantitative survey methods. This type of research is associative explanatory. The study was conducted in Pinrang Regency. The population is all Civil Servants in the Civil Service Police Unit of Pinrang Regency. The sample was obtained by census technique which is taking all the participation obtained by 99 employees. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and regression analysis to determine the description and influence between variables. This study uses three independent variables namely work motivation (X1), Work Discipline (X2), and Leadership (X3) while the increase variable is Leadership (Y). The results of the study showed motivation, discipline and leadership on performance in the Civil Service Police Unit of Pinrang Regency. The results of the regression analysis showed a significant influence between independent variables, namely: Work Motivation (X1), Discipline (X2), and Leadership (X3) with the variables used namely: employee performance (Y). The biggest influence occurs on the variable Work Motivation (X1). The F (simultaneous) test results showed a significant and positive influence between work motivation, work discipline and leadership on employee performance in the Civil Service Police Unit of Pinrang Regency by 64.4% while 35.6% depended on other factors not being objects research.
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