Training, discipline, employee performance, Suppa DistrictAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of Training and Discipline on Employee Performance through Employee Competence at the Village and Village Offices in Suppa District Pinrang Regency.This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. This type of research is associative explanatory. The study was conducted in Pinrang Regency. The population is all Civil Servants in the Village and Village Offices in Suppa District, Pinrang Regency. The sample was obtained by census technique, which took a total population of 62 employees. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and path analysis (Path analysis) to determine the description and influence between variables both direct and indirect influences. This study uses two independent variables namely training (X1), discipline (X2), and competence (Z) as mediating variables while the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). The results showed that there were direct and indirect effects of training and discipline through employee competence on employee performance at the Village and Village Offices in Suppa District, Pinrang Regency. The results of the path analysis show that there is a significant influence between the independent variables, namely: training (X1), and discipline (X2), with the dependent variable, namely: employee performance (Y) either through mediating variables namely competency (Z) or not. The direct effect of training (X1) on performance (Y) was 25.4% while the indirect effect of training (X1) through competence (Z) on employee performance (Y) was 17.5% so the total effect was 42.4%. The direct effect of discipline (X2) on performance (Y) was 23.0% while the indirect effect of discipline (X2) through employee competence (Z) on employee performance (Y) was 16.5%, so the total effect was 39.5 %. So employee competence is able to mediate training and discipline of employee performance at the Village and Village Offices in Suppa District Pinrang Regency and the mediation model that occurs is called Partial Mediation.
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