Optimalisasi dan Evaluasi Keamanan pada Siakad Nobel Indonesia
informationsystem, siakad, security, wiresharkAbstract
The information system is the main key in providing information at an institution or educational institution. This gives an important role to the information needs of users. Information systems are systems within organizations that have institutions in higher education, such as Siakad Nobel Indonesia. Siakad Nobel Indonesia is an Academic Information System for the Indonesian Nobel Institute of Technology and Business. Siakad can be used by lecturers and students who aim to provide academic information to students and familiarize students with accessing lectures electronically and anywhere. Siakad Nobel has administrative services such as doing krs, viewing grades, accessing materials, submitting assignments, etc. This service is used to facilitate the work of lecturers and students. This information system can be said to be a Learning Management System (LMS) because LMS can provide online teaching and learning services that are in accordance with the uses of Siakad Nobel. To serve users the system must always be safe. So testing is done to test the system. The tools used are Wireshark
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