Pengembangan Aplikasi ATLASS (Attendance List and Student Score) Berbasis Web di SMKN 2 Makassar




Penelitian R&D, Absensi, Penilaian, Aplikasi Berbasis Website, Perangkat Lunak


This research is a Research and Development (R&D) study. It involves software development aimed at producing a web-based application called ATLASS (Attendance List and Student Score) at SMKN 2 Makassar and testing the quality of the application based on the ISO 9126 quality standards, which consist of Functionality, Reliability, Portability, and Usability aspects. The development model used in this research is Prototyping. The application is built using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and utilizes Visual Studio Code software. Data is collected through questionnaire and documentation techniques. The application is validated by two media experts. The application is evaluated by 32 respondents, comprising 30 students from class X TKJ 2 and 2 teachers from SMKN 2 Makassar. Data is analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques.
Based on the research results, a web-based application is produced that can be used for attendance and student assessment management at SMKN 2 Makassar, accessible online. Based on the ISO 9126 testing, the following results were obtained: a) Functionality testing using black box testing method has fulfilled the Functionality aspect with the Adequate category; b) Reliability testing using white box method is free from logical errors and has met the Reliability aspect; c) Portability testing on various different browsers can operate well without issues and has met the Portability aspect; d) Usability testing with 32 respondents has met the usability aspect with “excellent” category.


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How to Cite

Deviv, S. (2023). Pengembangan Aplikasi ATLASS (Attendance List and Student Score) Berbasis Web di SMKN 2 Makassar. Transformasi : Jurnal Pendidikan & Teknologi, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from