Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Mudah Akses (PERMUS) Berbasis Web SMAN 12 Makassar


  • Amelia Firdhausya Dewi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia


Information System, Library, easy-to-access, Web-Based


This study aims 1) to produce a web-based design for developing an easy-to-access library information system (Permus) at SMAN 12 Makassa and 2) to discover the respondents' responses to the results of developing an easy-to-access library information system (Permus) of web-based at SMAN 12 Makassar. The type of this study employed research and development (R&D) by using Borg & Gall’s development model. The subjects of the study consisted of 2 experts on system and 30 respondents consisted of 2 librarians and 28 students at SMAN 12 Makassar. The data were collected through test and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the software quality testing method based on the ISO 9126 standard which included aspects of functionality, efficiency, portability, and usability. The functionality aspect employed a test-case questionnaire that was tested by two system experts, the efficiency aspect employed Pingdom tool as a helper for web page load testing, the portability aspect employed the Browserstack tool to test the practicality of the system, and the usability aspect employed a questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that: 1) the design of developing an easy-to-access library information system (Permus) at SMAN 12 Makassar was conducted with potential and problem analysis steps, data collection, product design, product validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, and the final product using an assessment based on the ISO 9126 standard with aspects of functionality, efficiency, portability, and usability, the use of which can facilitate service and access to information as well as library data processing and 2) the respondents' responses on the results of developing an easy-to-access library information system (Permus) at SMAN 12 Makassar is in "good" criteria.


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How to Cite

Dewi, A. F. (2024). Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Mudah Akses (PERMUS) Berbasis Web SMAN 12 Makassar. Transformasi : Jurnal Pendidikan & Teknologi, 1(2), 52–60. Retrieved from