human capital, work discipline, incentives, and performance of civil servantsAbstract
This research is a quantitative research that uses a survey method with a questionnaire data collection tool. This study aims to determine the effect of human capital, work discipline, and incentives on the performance of civil servants at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Luwu Regency.
The population in this study were the employees of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Luwu Regency, amounting to 53, while the sampling technique was based on the determination of the saturated sample so that the sample determined was 53 respondents. Analysis of the data used is path analysis using multiple linear regression analysis.
The results of the study show that (1) human capital, work discipline, and incentives have a positive and partially significant effect on the performance of civil servants at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Luwu Regency (2) human capital, work discipline, and incentives have a positive and significant effect simultaneously on performance of the civil apparatus at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Luwu Regency, (3) Human capital is the variable that has the highest level of dominance on the performance of the civil apparatus at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Luwu Regency.
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