Competence, Leadership, Motivation, and performance.Abstract
This study aims to (1) Partially influence competence, leadership, and motivation on employee performance in determining policy at the inspectorate of West Sulawesi Province. (2) The influence of competence, leadership, and motivation simultaneously on employee performance in determining policy at the inspectorate of West Sulawesi Province. (3) Which variable has the most dominant influence on employee performance in determining policy at the inspectorate of West Sulawesi Province.
This research uses quantitative methods. Determination of the sample using a saturated sample that is as many as 50 employees. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
The results show that (1) Partially competence, leadership, and motivation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at the Inspectorate Office of West Sulawesi Province. (2) Simultaneously competence, leadership, and motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance in determining policy at the inspectorate of West Sulawesi Province. (3) The leadership variable has a dominant influence on employee performance in determining policy at the inspectorate of West Sulawesi Province.
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