Psychological Capital, Work Flexibility, Innovative Work Behavior, Employee PerformanceAbstract
The aims of this study were: (1) to partially test and analyze the effect of psychological capital and work flexibility on innovative work behavior at the Office of Education, Youth, and Sports in Tojo Una-Una District (2) to partially test and analyze the effect affiliative leadership, organizational climate and innovative work behavior on employee performance at the Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una District (3) to test and analyze partially the effect of affiliative leadership and organizational climate on employee performance by mediating innovative work behavior at Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una District.
The research location is the Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una Regency. The sample size is 88 employees. Sample collection method with a saturated sample. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. Methods of analysis using descriptive statistics, path analysis, T test, F test, and Sobel test.
The results of the study prove that: (1) Psychological capital has a negative and insignificant effect on innovative work behavior at the Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una Regency (2) Work flexibility has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior at the Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una Regency (3) Psychological capital has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Education, Youth and Sports Office in Tojo Una Una Regency (4) Work flexibility has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance in Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una Regency (5) Innovative work behavior has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Office of Education, Youth and Sports in Tojo Una Una Regency (7) Innovative work behavior cannot mediate influence between psychological capital and work flexibility on employee performance at the Office of Education, Youth, and Sports in Tojo Una Una District.
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