Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, Discipline, and performanceAbstract
This research aims to 1) To analyze the influence of work motivation, organizational culture and discipline partially on the performance of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Luwu Regency. 2) To analyze the influence of work motivation, organizational culture and discipline simultaneously on the performance of the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. 3) To analyze which variables have the most dominant influence on the performance of the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency.
This research was conducted at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Luwu Regency. The sample was determined using a saturated sample (census), namely 63 employees. The data collection method used was a questionnaire. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
The results of the research concluded that: partially work motivation, organizational culture and discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Luwu Regency. This means that work motivation, organizational culture and discipline are able to improve employee performance at the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. Simultaneously, work motivation, organizational culture and discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. Partially, it shows that the Organizational Culture variable has a dominant influence on Employee Performance at the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. This shows that the better the Organizational Culture, the more employee performance at the Luwu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency will improve.
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