
  • Andri YB Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
  • Reynilda Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
  • Muhammad Idris Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

leadership, competence, organizational culture, and performance


The study aims for 1) to analyze influences Leadership, competence and culture of the organization are partial to Performance of staff at the bureau of the secretariat organization west sulawesi province.2) to analyze the influence of leadership, organizational competence and culture simultaneously on the performance of employees at the west sulawesi district secretariat organization.3) to analyze which of the most dominant constitutions affected the performance of employees at the secretariat office in west sulawesi province.

Research concluded that: partial leadership, competence, and culture of the organization affect positive and significant performance of employees on employees of the bureau of the secretariat of western sulawesi province. This means that leadership, competence and culture of the organization are able to improve the performance of employees of the bureau of the secretariat dacrah province of west sulawesi. Simultaneously leadership, competence and cultural organizations affect both the positive and significant performance of employees at the bureau of the secretariat of western sulawesi province. Partial suggests that leadership variable predominates the performance of employees in the west sulawesi province of the secretariat organization, this suggests that the better leadership will increasingly improve the performance of employees in the secretarial bureau of the secretariat organization West sulawesi province,


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