
  • Febyanti Karaeng ITB NOBEL
  • Sylvia Sjarlis ITB NOBEL
  • Didiek Handayani Gusti ITB NOBEL


Job Satisfaction, Science Diagram, PT Nuansa Cipta Magello


This study aims to analyze the level of job satisfaction of employees of PT Nuansa Cipta Magello, analyze job priority attributes that need to get quality improvement. This research is a quantitative research. Sources of data in this study are primary data by distributing questionnaires to respondents, and secondary data in the form of books, journals and others. The number of samples used was 104 samples.

The data analysis technique used is the IPA diagram analysis. The results of this study The value of the level of satisfaction of employees about service quality at PT. Nuansa Cipta Magello obtained from the results of the level of conformity test where the employees of PT Nuansa Cipta Magello have felt very satisfied with the company's quality service, related to the classification of the Criteria The percentage of the assessment is on the very satisfied criteria, therefore it can be said that the worker or employee is satisfied with the performance at PT. Magello Cipta Nuance.

Based on the results of the Important Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis, it is known that job priority attributes need to be improved in service quality, namely in the management dimension service with the attribute "Feedback from superiors on the work done, on service dimension facilities with the facility attribute - facilities in the office are provided. companies that support work.



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How to Cite

Karaeng, F., Sjarlis, S., & Gusti, D. H. (2023). ANALISIS TINGKAT KEPUASAN KERJA PADA PT NUANSA CIPTA MAGELLO. Gendhera Buana Jurnal (GBJ), 1(3), 339–350. Retrieved from