Role clarity, competency and motivation influence employee performanceAbstract
This research aims to partially analyze the influence of role clarity on the performance of Bapeda Regency employees, to analyze simultaneously the influence of role clarity, competence and work motivation on the performance of Bapeda Regency employees. Majene, then to analyze the dominant factors that influence the performance of Bapeda Majene Regency employees.
This research uses quantitative methods with correlation analysis techniques to determine the influence of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a population of 60 civil servants from the Majene Regency Regional Planning Agency. From the results of data processing it can be concluded that the variables of role clarity, competence and motivation each have a significant influence on employee performance, simultaneously testing the three variables together also have a significant influence on employee performance and the most influential values are role clarity, competence and motivation. Improving performance is greatly influenced by how each individual can carry out their work according to the authority and main tasks and duties of employees of the Majene Regency Regional Planning Agency and vice versa.
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