Kata Kunci:
Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Compensation and Job SatisfactioAbstrak
This study aims to determine the effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Compensation on Job Satisfaction and the influence of them together. Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Compensation for Job Satisfaction. The approach of this research uses quantitative research. The research was conducted at Smile Auto Service Makassar with a total of 40 employees. In this study using a total sample so that the number of samples of this author is 40 people. Data collection techniques include observation, questionnaires and documentation using data analysis techniques using multiple regression.The results of the research Leadership (X1) have a positive and significant effect on the variable Smile Autoservice Employee Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture (X2) have a positive and significant effect on the Smile Autoservice Employee Job Satisfaction variable, Compensation (X3) has a positive and significant effect on the Smile Autoservice Employee Job Satisfaction variable and All independent variables, namely consisting of; Leadership (x1), Organizational Culture (X2) and Work Satisfaction (X3). jointly influence Employee Satisfaction (Y).
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