Characteristics, competence, quality, performance, entrepreneurAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect, partially, of entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial competence, and product quality on the entrepreneurs' performance of youth alumni of the Teknopreneurship program in 2019. It also simultaneously knowing the characteristics of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competence, and product quality on the performance of youth entrepreneurship alumni of the 2019 Teknopreneurship program as well as knowing the most dominant variable on the youth entrepreneurial performance of the Teknopreneurship program alumni in 2019.
The results showed that the entrepreneurial characteristics variable (X1) resulted in T 2.188 with a significance of 0.032. The value of the test statistic (tcount) is bigger than t table (2.188> 1.996) and significantly smaller than α = 0.05. This test showed that H0 was rejected, so it can be concluded that X1 has a significant effect on the youth entrepreneurship performance variable (Y). The entrepreneurial competence variable (X2) resulted in T 3.751 with a significant of 0.000. The value of the test statistic (tcount) is greater than t table (3.751> 1.996) and significantly smaller than α = 0.05. This test showed that H0 was rejected, so it can be concluded that X2 has a significant effect on the youth entrepreneurship performance variable (Y). The product quality variable (X3) resulted in T 3.628 with a significant 0.001. The value of the test statistic | tcount | it is bigger than t table (3,628> 1,996) and smaller than α = 0,05. This test showed that H0 was rejected, so it can be concluded that X3 has a significant effect on the performance variables of youth entrepreneurship (Y). The results also showed that entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial competence, and product quality influence the performance of youth entrepreneurial enterprises. Entrepreneurial competence has the most dominant influence on the performance of the 2019 Teknopreneurship youth entrepreneurship.
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