Work Discipline, Workload and Employee Welfare.Abstract
This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of work discipline on employee performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office and to determine and analyze the influence of workload on employee performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office. To determine and analyze the influence of welfare on employee performance at the Department Office. Takalar Regency Transportation and to find out and analyze the simultaneous influence of work discipline, workload and welfare on Employee Performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office and to find out and analyze which variables have the dominant influence among these three variables, work discipline, workload and welfare on Performance Employee at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office.
Based on the research results, it shows that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office, Workload has a Positive and Significant Influence on Employee Performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office and Employee Welfare has a Positive and Significant Influence on Employee Performance at the Transportation Service Office Takalar Regency. Simultaneous test results show that Work Discipline. Workload and welfare have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office. The variable that has the dominant influence on employee performance is the workload variable at the Takalar Regency Transportation Service Office.
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