Commitment, Discipline Motivation and Performance.Abstract
This research aims to analyze 1) partial commitment, motivation and discipline on the performance of employees of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency 2) the simultaneous influence of commitment, motivation and discipline on the performance of employees of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency.
This research was conducted on employees at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency. The sample was determined using saturation, namely 74 employees at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency. The data collection methods used were questionnaires and document studies. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
The research results concluded that: partially commitment, motivation and discipline have a positive and significant effect on the performance of the Takalar Regency Regional Financial Management Agency employees. This means that commitment, motivation and discipline are able to improve the performance of the Takalar Regency Regional Financial Management Agency employees. Simultaneously, commitment, motivation and discipline have a positive and significant effect on the performance of the Takalar Regency Regional Financial Management Agency employees. Partially, it shows that the commitment variable has a dominant influence on the performance of the employees of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency. This shows that the better the commitment, the more the performance of the employees of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Takalar Regency will improve.
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