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the use of the APBD SIPENJAGA Application, Budget Availability, Employee Competence, Effectiveness of Employee Monthly Salary CalculationsAbstrak
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the use of the SIPENJAGA APBD Application, Budget Availability and Employee Competence on the Effectiveness of Employee Monthly Salary Calculations in OPD of West Sulawesi Province. This research approach is a quantitative approach.
The research was conducted at the OPD of West Sulawesi Province and was carried out from May to June 2023. The research population was the heads of each program sub-section and salary treasurers at the OPD of West Sulawesi Province with a sample of 74 employees.
The analysis technique used is multiple linear analysis. The results of the study show that there is a positive and significant effect partially between the use of the SIPENJAGA APBD application, Budget Availability and Employee Competence on the Effectiveness of Employee Monthly Salary Calculations. Meanwhile, simultaneously there is a positive and significant influence between the use of the APBD SIPENJAGA Application, Budget Availability and Employee Competence on the Effectiveness of Employee Monthly Salary Calculations. Budget Availability is the most dominant variable influencing the Effectiveness of Employee Monthly Salary Calculations.
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