Rancang Bangun Alat Pembuangan Sampah Otomatis berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino menggunakan sensor Ultrasonic dan Modul mini mp3


  • Muhammad Hibrian Wiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton




 Environmental problems are issues that have existed since ancient times. Garbage is a serious environmental problem currently faced by the majority of Indonesian people. You could say that households, agriculture and animal husbandry generate waste every day, both organic and inorganic waste. The goal in this research is to make a trash box that can open and close automatically when someone is near to throw away the trash, and immediately emit sound information when the trash has been disposed of. The benefit of this research is to help the government or local people manage waste and become one of solutions to support a clean environment and reduce the waste around the community. Ultrasonic sensor testing is based on a predetermined distance so that the Arduino microcontroller does not send signals to other output components. the top or cover of the litter box will be sensitive or open when there is trash that is approached ranging from 0 - 20 cm and if there is trash that is approached ranging from 21 - 40cm then the condition of the top or cover of the litter box will be silent or closed continuously. Testing the dfplayer mp3 mini trash box module when an object comes in the range of 0 - 20 cm, the Arduino microcontroller gets a signal from the ultrasonic and then the servo will get angry and open and close the top or close the trash box and accompanied by a thank you program on sd card and stored in 16gb memory, and also when testing above 21 - 40 then the lid or




How to Cite

Wiwi, M. H. (2022). Rancang Bangun Alat Pembuangan Sampah Otomatis berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino menggunakan sensor Ultrasonic dan Modul mini mp3. SMARTLOCK : Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi, 1(2), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.37476/smartlock.v1i2.3623