
  • Apriyanto Apriyanto Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Parepare
  • Badaruddin Badaruddin ITB NOBEL
  • Andi Djalante ITB NOBEL


Leadership, Work Culture, Discipline, Employee Performance


This research was conducted using multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS version 26 application.

From the results of testing the leadership variable data, the value shows that t count is 3,790 while the t table value for n = 43 is 2,021, so it can be concluded that the leadership variable has a significant influence on the performance of the Pamong Praja Police Department employees. For the work environment variable the test results obtained a value that shows the t count = 2.411 while the t table value for n = 43 is 2.021, so it can be concluded that the work culture variable has a significant influence on the performance of the Pamong Praja Police Department employee performance. For the discipline variable, the test results obtained a value that shows t count = 2.344 while the t table value for n = 43 is 2.021, so it can be concluded that the disciplinary variable has a significant influence on the performance of the Pamong Praja Police Department employee performance. Based on the standardized beta value, it is known that the Leadership variable most dominantly affects the performance of the Pamong Praja Police Service Unit employees, because the Standardized Coefficient Beta value in the leadership variable is 0.451 higher than the value in other independent variables, namely the work culture variable of 0.281 and the value of the variable discipline of 0.258.


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How to Cite

Apriyanto, A., Badaruddin, B., & Djalante, A. (2022). PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, BUDAYA KERJA DAN DISIPLIN TERHADAP KINERJA APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA PADA SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJA KOTA PAREPARE. Jurnal Magister Manajemen Nobel Indonesia, 3(6), 1025–1037. Retrieved from