Kata Kunci:
Kata Kunci: kompetensi, disiplin kerja, kualitas pelayanan, kepuasanAbstrak
This study aims to analyze (1) to find out whether competence has an effect on community satisfaction with the services of Mapsu Polres Takalar police personnel (2) to find out whether work discipline has an effect on community satisfaction with the services of Mapsu Polres Takalar police personnel (3) to find out whether the quality of service influence on people's satisfaction with the services of the Mapsu Polres takalar police personnel
This study uses multiple linear regression analysis method which previously tested the validity and reliability by usingsoftware SPSS(Statistic Productand Service Solution) The research was conducted at the Mapsu Polsek Takalar Police with a total sample of 70 people.
The results of this study indicate that (1) competence has a positive and insignificant effect on community satisfaction. (2) Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (3) Service quality has a positive and insignificant effect on community satisfaction. (4) Competency, work discipline, quality of service simultaneously influence community satisfaction with the services of the
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